Easy Remedies For Dry Skin

Warts are ugly, bothersome bumps on the skin caused by a virus. They generally disappear on their own, but it could take years. If you're the impatient type and would like to speed things up, find a home remedy for wart removal that works best for you.

Lemon juice:Lemon juice being alkaline in nature and being a natural bleach helps reduce the visible scars, and over a period of time the scars blend well into the natural skin tone and are not quite visible. Apart from applying on the affected area, you should also start your day with a glass of luke warm water in which a dash of lemon and some honey is added. For the next 30 minutes, avoid consuming anything else. This is very effective in clearing up the bowels and goes a long way in preventing acne too. Alternatively, you can make a mask of yoghurt and add a few drops of lemon juice to it. Apply all over the face and let it dry. Wash off with luke warm water.


There are 14 known natural methods on skin warts removal divided into seven categories: oils, herbal plants, herbal tree, fruits and spice, vegetable and home item. There are many options for removing warts and some of them are effective moles warts removal. However, the efficacy of some alternative methods which varies with the dedication of the person who undertakes the treatment.

Including some healthy fats in your daily diet can pacify the rough, dry nature of the Vata dosha, winter's dominant energy. In Ayurveda, ghee (clarified butter) is recommended to cook with. Olive oil is another excellent choice. Along with blanched, soaked almonds as they offer nutritional and structural support to our cells.

Other remedies include taking a banana peel and rubbing it over the mole for a month. Grated raw potatoes used as a poultice over a mole, as well as other blemishes, can help. Applying vitamin E gel or Aloe Vera gel on it can also help. The aloe vera ghee Vera gel can also be used to soothe the area if you use something aloe vera geeli harsher, like the Castor oil treatment. Castor oil mixed with baking soda is also recommended by some people.



Vata - Healthy Vata skin is soft, delicate and with a clear radiance. When imbalanced, it is dry, lined and flaky. At times, skin appears too thin and transparent. Vata type skin is also characterized by smaller pores when compared to other skin types. You can occasionally find grayish or bluish hue for the skin. This can be attributed to the presence of minimal number of capillaries in the skin. Skin below eye area, forehead and ears are particularly vulnerable for skin conditions like darkening and discoloration, wrinkles, etc. The discoloration below eye areas is mainly due to accumulation of hemoglobin in the soft tissues there. Forehead and ears are also considered to be Vata dominant areas, as the skin there tends to be of Vata type.

You can find more home remedies for wart removal online or from published home remedy books. Find one that suits you best. Remember: when using home remedies, nothing is guaranteed. Its effectiveness generally differs from one person to another.

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